
Python PRs Welcome License: GPLv3

pyrandonaut interfaces with a QRNG (Quantum Random Number Generator) where it gets a list of quantum random numbers, converts them to coordinates and then computes the gaussian kernel density estimate of those coordinates to find a point with a statistically anomalous density, similar to how an Attractor point is generated by the Randonautica app.

This gives you the ability to implement quantum random coordinates in your own applications. Just import pyrandonaut and off you go!

If you’re unfamiliar with Randonautica, the concepts of Probability Blind-Spots and Quantum Randomness, I recommend reading fatum_theory.txt which shipped with the original Fatum Project bot that inspired Randonautica. This video gives a lot of great background info too.

If you have no idea what any of this is about and is completely new to this, watch this video and/or read this article.

Contributions greatly appreciated!